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Public Organisation helping the civilian population of Chernihiv region, affected by russian aggression


Kobyzhche village, Chernihiv region

Nov 2022

Power generator that saved the entire village from thirst

We provided a generator for the community in the village of Kobyzhche. Due to regular power outages, a critical humanitarian situation has developed in the village. There is no water in the wells, and the only way to get water during blackouts is to pump it from a well. And so we provided the generator for this cause. We consider supporting communities in villages an important mission. First of all, it is an opportunity for the people to run a household. It is possible to create a supply of water for domestic needs, but it is not an easy task for the economic needs of the village. Secondly, the supplies of the village are important resources for survival in the conditions of war. Therefore, we will continue to support the villages.